11 of the Best Math Apps for High School Students

In the example below, we defined a cost per item, as well as a discount for an order. Simply changing the amount altered the final cost; it’s a great tool if you’ve got a set amount to spend and need to know exactly how many items to order. PocketCAS bills itself as “a TI-89 calculator built into your macOS,” and it’s a fair assessment. To help younger students practice skills like counting, addition, and subtraction, Ashley Blackwelder, an elementary STEAM coordinator in South Carolina, highly recommends Moose Math, a free app for iPhones and iPads. In Moose Math, students play math games that earn them points to help build a town. Blackwelder says the format is easy for kids to navigate and great for short attention spans. If you are looking for an interactive and visual way to learn mathematics or solve mathematical problems, the above 15 best mathematics software can help you. Use them to make your math learning experience more engaging and exciting. SpeQ Mathematics, a math software comes with an amazingly small but very effective math calculator with an intuitive interface that makes it easy for the user to…
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Renewed Living…when Christ is ALIVE in your life, you live on PURPOSE

Easter is about hope, renewal and the opportunity of a new life because of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. It is a reminder that new beginnings are possible. We celebrate and proclaim Christ risen and alive on Easter Sunday, but I wonder, “Is He ALIVE in our daily lives and what does this look like?” As we prepare for Easter, I invite you to reflect on being A.L.I.V.E. and living on purpose. Let’s begin your time of reflection by welcoming God and enjoying time with Him. Set your mind and heart on God and listen to Him. God is your Creator, the author of your story. Invite Him to direct your reflection time, showing you where you are now and where He wants to take you. We’ll use A.L.I.V.E. as a guide: A: Abide with Christ Renewal requires God’s power and promises. To be renewed, we need to abide in Christ, to stay connected to the One who fills us with fresh life and strength. L: Let go & Listen Renewal requires making space for new growth. Is the fear of missing out (FOMO) driving you to do more, see more or…
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